Target Amibroker (AFL) | Mục tiêu giao dịch trên Amibroker (AFL)

Target Amibroker (AFL) | Mục tiêu giao dịch trên Amibroker (AFL)

Bộ công cụ xác định mục tiêu mua/bán và có kèm theo tín hiệu mua bán cực kỳ hay.





finalMov_avg=IIf(Odd > even,triangularOdd,TriangularEven);


Plot(finalMov_avg,"",IIf(C < finalmov_avg,colorRed,Color),styleLine|styleThick);

Title=Name()+"..."+"( "+WriteIf(Odd > even,WriteVal(Odd,1),WriteVal(even,1))+" ) Period "+EncodeColor(Color)+"Triangular"+WriteIf(Odd > even,"ODD","EVEN")+" Moving Average"+"..."+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+ WriteIf(C < finalMov_avg,"Close is "+EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Below"+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+" Moving Average by ","Close is"+EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+" Above"+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+" Moving Average by ")+"("+WriteVal(((C/finalMov_avg)-1)*100,1.1)+"% )"+"\n"+WriteIf(finalmov_avg-Ref(finalmov_avg,-1)>0," Slope Of Average is UP : ","Slope Of Average is DOWN :")+WriteIf((((C/finalMov_avg)-1)*100 <= CongestionPercent AND ((C/finalMov_avg)-1)*100 >= -CongestionPercent),EncodeColor(colorYellow)+" with Price Congestion / Divergence to Average ","")+"\n"+WriteIf(Ref(C,-1) < Ref(finalmov_avg,-1) AND C > finalmov_avg,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"Possible Change in Trend From Down to Up"+"\n"+" OR Short Term Correction of Previous Trend",WriteIf(Ref(C,-1) > Ref(finalmov_avg,-1) AND C < finalmov_avg,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Possible Change in Trend From Up to Down "+"\n"+" OR Short Term Correction to Previous Trend",""))+"\n"+WriteIf(C > finalmov_avg,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"Close has been above Moving Average ( "+WriteVal(BarsSince(C < finalmov_avg),1)+" ) Bars",EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Close has been Below Moving Average ( "+WriteVal(BarsSince(C > finalmov_avg),1)+" ) Bars")+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+"The average # of Bars Above ( "+WriteVal(round(Cum(BarsSince(C < finalmov_avg)/Cum(1))),1)+" )"+"\n"+"The average # of Bars Below ( "+WriteVal(round(Cum(BarsSince(C > finalmov_avg)/Cum(1))),1)+" )";

SetBarsRequired(10000,10000); /* this ensures that the charts include all bars AND NOT just those on screen */
SetFormulaName("Sample System"); /*name it for backtest report identification */
SetTradeDelays( 1, 1, 1, 1 ); /* delay entry/exit by one bar */
SetOption( "initialequity", 100000 ); /* starting capital */
PositionSize = -10; /* trade size will be 10% of available equty */
SetOption( "MaxOpenPositions", 6 ); /* I don't want to comit more than 60% of Equity at any one time */
SetOption( "PriceBoundChecking", 1 ); /* trade only within the chart bar's price range */
SetOption( "CommissionMode", 2 ); /* set commissions AND costs as $ per trade */
SetOption( "CommissionAmount", 32.95 ); /* commissions AND cost */
SetOption( "UsePrevBarEquityForPosSizing", 1 ); /*set the use of last bars equity for trade size*/
PositionScore = 100/C; /*Set the order for which stock trades when get mulitple signals in one bar in backtesting */

LongPer = Param("Long Period", 50, 30, 100, 5 ); /* select periods with parameter window */
ShortPer = Param("Short Period", 5, 3, 10, 1 );

LongMA = EMA( C, LongPer );
ShortMA = EMA( C, ShortPer );
LastHigh = HHV( H, LongPer );

Buy = Cross( ShortMA, LongMA ) AND H > Ref( LastHigh, -1 );

Sell = Cross( LongMA, ShortMA );

Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);

Filter = Buy OR Sell;
AddTextColumn( FullName(), "Company Name" );
AddColumn( Buy, "Buy", 1 );
AddColumn( Sell, "Sell", 1 );
AddColumn( C, "Close", 1.3 );
AddColumn( H, "High", 1.3 );
AddColumn( LastHigh, "HHV", 1.3 );
AddColumn( LongMA, "Long MA", 1,3 );
AddColumn( ShortMA, "Short MA", 1,3 );

GraphXSpace = 10;

//Plot( C, " Close Price", colorGrey50, styleBar );
Plot( LongMA, " EMA(C,"+WriteVal(LongPer,1)+")", colorBrown, styleLine|styleNoRescale );
Plot( ShortMA, " EMA(C,"+WriteVal(ShortPer,1)+")", colorBlue, styleLine|styleNoRescale );
Plot( Ref(Lasthigh,-1), " HHV(H,"+WriteVal(LongPer,1)+")", colorRed, styleNoLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale );

//PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow*Buy, colorGreen, 0, L, -10 );
//PlotShapes( shapeDownArrow*Sell, colorRed, 0, H, -10 );

Title = " {{NAME}} {{DATE}} {{INTERVAL}} "+_DEFAULT_NAME()+" Chart values : {{VALUES}} ";

no=Param( "Swing", 5, 1, 55 );

Buy = Cross(C,res) ;
Sell = Cross(sup,C)  ;

g=(EMA(Close,3) * (2 / 4 - 1)-EMA(Close,5) * (2 / 6 - 1)) / (2 /4- 2 /6);
Buy = Cross(C,tsl) ;
Sell = Cross(tsl,C)  ;
Shrt=Flip(Sell,Buy );
Filter=Buy OR Sell;
Buy = Cross(C,tsl) ;
Sell = Cross(tsl,C)  ;
shape = Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow;
PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorRed ),0, IIf( Buy, Low, High ) );

dist = 0.8*ATR(1); //0.8
dist1 = 1.8*ATR(1); //1.2
for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
 if( Buy[i] )
  PlotText( "Buy:" + L[ i ] + "\nTgt: " + (a1[i]*1.005) + "\nSL: " + (tsl[i]*0.9975), i, L[ i ]-dist[i], colorLime);
 if( Sell[i] )
  PlotText( "Sell:" + H[ i ] + "\nT: " + (a1[i]*0.995) + "\nSL: " + (tsl[i]*1.0025), i, H[ i ]+dist1[i], colorGreen);
